
Friday 21 March 2014

Missing flight MH370 found

Air search for missing MH370 draws another blank as Australian PM admits 'debris' might 'just be a shipping container...we just don't know'

Search planes flying deep into the Indian Ocean found nothing that could be from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet after a second day scanning the seas, Australia's acting prime minister said.
The planes are part of an international effort to solve the nearly two-week-old mystery of what happened to Flight MH370 which vanished with 239 people on board.
Warren Truss, who is acting prime minister while Tony Abbott is in Papua New Guinea, said: 'The last report I have is that nothing of particular significance has been identified in the search today but the work will continue.'
The agency co-ordinating the hunt had earlier said it still holds out hope of finding people alive despite the lack of any credible sightings of the debris so far.
But Mr Abbott took a more cautious approach, stressing the objects could simply be shipping containers. 'We just don't know,' he added.
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Scanning the seas: A Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion plane passes over the Norwegian car transport ship Hoegh St Petersburg during the search for the missing flight MH370
Scanning the seas: A Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion plane passes over the Norwegian car transport ship Hoegh St Petersburg during the search for the missing flight MH370
'We just don't know': Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott stressed the objects could simply be containers that had fallen off a ship
'We just don't know': Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott stressed the objects could simply be containers that had fallen off a ship
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said it was preparing for the remote possibility of a human rescue mission should two large objects spotted by satellites some 1,500miles off the coast of Perth be part of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight.
John Young, the general manager of AMSA's Emergency Response Division, said the focus of the search - which now includes 29 planes, 21 ships and six helicopters from more than 20 countries - was first and foremost on trying to locate the debris.
'We want to find these objects because they might be the best lead to where we might find people to be rescued,' said Mr Young.
'We have done some work on that area and we're still focused on that task.
'It is a very large team effort... with the international community providing technical support and information and we're all very grateful for that.'
'We've got a lot of hope': Captain Russell Adams, the pilot of the Australian P3 Orion updates the media on the search for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean after landing back at Pearce air base in Perth
'We've got a lot of hope': Captain Russell Adams, the pilot of the Australian P3 Orion updates the media on the search for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean after landing back at Pearce air base in Perth
Captain Adams uses binoculars to search for debris in the Indian Ocean some 1,500miles southwest of Perth
Captain Adams uses binoculars to search for debris in the Indian Ocean some 1,500miles southwest of Perth
An updated image released by the Australian Maritime and Safety Authority today, detailing the search area planned for today
An updated image released by the Australian Maritime and Safety Authority today, detailing the search area planned for today
The first of Australia's Orion P3 aircraft has completed its two-hour sweep of the search area, some 1,500 miles south-west of Perth after American satellite imagery picked up two large objects – one up to 24 metres (78ft) in length.
The captain, Flight Lieutenant Russ Adams, told a press gathering at Pearce RAAF air base: 'We've got a lot of hope. We got out there and had really good weather.
'Compared to yesterday the visibility was great, more than 10km visibility, we had a really opportunity to see.
'There are more aircraft out there, still searching, and with any luck we'll find something shortly.'
However, Malaysian officials have expressed disappointment that no debris has been found yet.
An airline official said it was 'frustrating for us and the families as days go by with nothing positive so far.'
In Beijing, relatives met with Malaysian officials at a hotel where most have been staying awaiting the latest news. 
Attendees said they had a two-hour briefing about the search but that nothing new was said.
The last of the five military aircraft dispatched from Perth on Friday completed its scheduled area sweep by about 7pm local time (11am GMT).
Royal Australian Air Force personnel are also involved in the search for MH370, pictured here filming their search operation over the Indian Ocean
Royal Australian Air Force personnel are also involved in the search for MH370, pictured here filming their search operation over the Indian Ocean
Royal Australian Air Force Loadmasters, Sergeant Adam Roberts (L) and Flight Sergeant John Mancey (R), prepare to launch a data marker buoy from a C-130J Hercules aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the Australian Defence Force's assistance to the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Royal Australian Air Force Loadmasters, Sergeant Adam Roberts (L) and Flight Sergeant John Mancey (R), prepare to launch a data marker buoy from a C-130J Hercules aircraft in the southern Indian Ocean as part of the Australian Defence Force's assistance to the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
'Although this search area is much smaller area than we started with, it is nonetheless a big area when you're looking out the window trying to see something by eye,' Mr Young added.
'We may have to do this a few times to be confident about the coverage of that search area.'
Mr Young confirmed that Saturday's plan was to repeat the same process followed Friday, moving within the search zone according to weather patterns.
AMSA is also looking to acquire more satellite imagery to see if it can provide 'new or refined information'.
Warren Truss, who is acting Australian prime minister while Tony Abbott is in Papua New Guinea, said the last report he received was that 'nothing of particular significance' had been identified.
Truss said the search was difficult due to testing weather conditions and because the satellite imagery was five days old. 
Dejected: A Chinese relative of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines plane looks out of a bus window as she leaves a resort in Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Dejected: A Chinese relative of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines plane looks out of a bus window as she leaves a resort in Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Heartache: Relatives wait for new information on the search for MH370 at a hotel in Beijing
Heartache: Relatives wait for new information on the search for MH370 at a hotel in Beijing


India has refused China's offer to send four warships to aid the hunt for MH370 near the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago.
Officials said China's request to enter Indian territorial waters had been 'politely turned down' because Indian warships and aircraft were already searching the area.
One official told The Times of India: 'The A&N command is our military outpost in the region, which overlooks the Malacca Strait and dominates the Six-Degree Channel. 
'We don't want Chinese warships sniffing around in the area on the pretext of hunting for the missing jetliner or anti-piracy patrols.'
'So something that was floating on the sea that long ago may no longer be floating — it may have slipped to the bottom. 
'It's also certain that any debris or other material would have moved a significant distance over that time, potentially hundreds of kilometres.'
Truss told reporters that two Chinese aircraft are expected to arrive in Perth on Saturday to join the search and two Japanese aircraft will be arriving Sunday. 
A small flotilla of ships coming to Australia from China was still several days away, he added.
'We are doing all that we can, devoting all the resources we can and we will not give up until all of the options have been exhausted,' Truss said. 
'We can't be certain that the sightings are in fact debris from the aircraft (but) it is about the only lead that is around at the present time.'
Asked at a press conference today whether he had any idea what happened to the flight, Malaysian Defence Minister Hussein Hishamuddin replied with a simple 'no'.
Repeating as he had earlier that 'this is going to be a long haul and the focus is to reduce the area of search and possible rescue', he said nothing unusual had been found in background checks on the passengers.
The minister said 'international parties' were looking at the flight simulator pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah had set up at his home and he hoped to be able to give information soon on the latest developments.
Malaysian authorities also confirmed that the plane was carrying some lithium ion batteries - which have been known to catch fire - in its cargo hold.
But the batteries - used in mobile phones and laptops - were not deemed a hazard because they were packed according to safety regulations.
'These are not regarded as dangerous goods... and were packed as recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organisation,' Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told the press conference.
Meanwhile, aviation experts are still trying to unravel the enduring mystery of flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8.
Hope: A man returns a message posted along with others in the shape of a heart which are dedicated to families and passengers of MH370. Australian search teams still believe they may find survivors
Hope: A man returns a message posted along with others in the shape of a heart which are dedicated to families and passengers of MH370. Australian search teams still believe they may find survivors
A woman writes a message to missing passengers on a prayer board in the meeting room of Lido hotel where relatives are staying in Beijing
A woman writes a message to missing passengers on a prayer board in the meeting room of Lido hotel where relatives are staying in Beijing
Searching for survivors: John Young, the general manager of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, said he was still hopeful of finding people to be rescued
Searching for survivors: John Young, the general manager of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, said he was still hopeful of finding people to be rescued
The Orion reported that the fierce weather conditions which hampered Thursday's 10-hour sweep had vastly improved on Friday, though low cloud and rain would still pose a challenge for the growing search party that now includes 29 planes, 21 ships and six helicopters.
China stepped up its assistance in the search, sending three warships to join the expanding fleet. A fourth Chinese vessel, an icebreaker currently docked at Perth, may also join the search.
Five military aircraft including two Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) P3 Orions were dispatched on a four-hour flight to the search zone.
Chinese and Malaysian officers joined a team of Australian, US and British investigators gathering in Perth, as the search party amassing in and off the Indian Ocean was receiving input from more than 20 contributor countries.
It comes as Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott acknowledged the distinct possibility, as flagged by AMSA yesterday, that the massive objects may not belong to the missing plane.
The area is renowned for shipping debris, so much so that it's dubbed 'the maritime dustbin'. There is a strong chance, therefore, that the objects in fact fell off a ship.
But he said the Australian-led search effort would continue to exhaust every avenue in the remote but hugely expansive search zone.
'We've been throwing everything we've got at that area to try and learn more about what this might be,' Mr Abbott said Friday.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he owed it to the families of everyone on board missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 to exhaust every avenue in the southern search zone off the coast of Perth
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he owed it to the families of everyone on board missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 to exhaust every avenue in the southern search zone off the coast of Perth
Two pieces of wreckage that are possibly from the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 - one estimated to be 78ft in size - have been found to the west of Australia, it was announced today. Pictured: Satellite pictures released by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority of the object thought to be related to the search for MH370
Two pieces of wreckage that are possibly from the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 - one estimated to be 78ft in size - have been found to the west of Australia, it was announced today. Pictured: Satellite pictures released by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority of the object thought to be related to the search for MH370
Space technology: The images of the objects were taken on March 16 by U.S firm DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 satellite - a commercial satellite launched in 2009 that operates at an altitude of 770km (480miles)
Space technology: The images of the objects were taken on March 16 by U.S firm DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 satellite - a commercial satellite launched in 2009 that operates at an altitude of 770km (480miles)
'It could just be a container that's fallen off a ship – we just don't know,' he added, referring to the announcement made by AMSA spokesman John Young on Thursday when he revealed the satellite images captured were 'credible'.
Mr Abbott said: 'We owe it to the family and friends of loved ones on board MH370 that we do everything we can.'
A civil gulfstream jet was due to leave at approximately 1pm Perth time (7am GMT). 
At 4pm, the giant US Navy Poseidon aircraft will fly on its second sortie to the remote target zone, which has been relocated 320km south of the original area, for a painstaking search of each square of a mapped grid of that section of ocean.
The Poseidon will make low swoops of the ocean and release buoys to measure the rate of ocean drift since the two objects hoped to be part of MH370 were spotted on satellite images yesterday at 11am (3am GMT).
Sergeant W Guthrie from the Royal Australian Air Force examines a map to ascertain the possible whereabouts of the debris spotted in the Indian Ocean yesterday
Sergeant W Guthrie from the Royal Australian Air Force examines a map to ascertain the possible whereabouts of the debris spotted in the Indian Ocean yesterday
Royal Australian Air Force personnel are working with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Royal Australian Air Force personnel are working with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
The 24m (80ft) piece, approximately the same length as a standard tennis court, is likely to be part of a wing or stabiliser. 
The other 5m (15ft) piece lying just under the ocean surface is subject to tidal pull in an area which has huge waves and rapidly changeable weather.
The two RAAF Orions involved in the search each have a crew of 14 officers who are using both an electro acoustic system which sends a signal when it bounces off an object, and visual scans - through an open window of the plane.
The target area has 3km waters and is being described as 'one of the most hostile environments on earth'.
Authorities involved in the search of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 wasted no time in dispatching an arsenal of vehicles when the debris was spotted yesterday.
The satellite imagery depicted the objects as being 1,550 miles (4,000km) from Perth, off the west coast of Australia.
A long way south: The southern search zone is one of the most remote places on Earth
A long way south: The southern search zone is one of the most remote places on Earth
Vast: This Google Earth map shows just how remote the search area is in the southern Indian Ocean
Vast: This Google Earth map shows just how remote the search area is in the southern Indian Ocean
Within the hour, AMSA had coordinated the dispatch of 25 aircraft and 18 ships to scour a vast 230,000 sq mile (600,000 sq km) area of ocean with the seemingly-impossible task of locating the 24m-long debris – approximately the same length as a standard tennis court.
A Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) P3 Orion, a US Navy P8 Poseidon aircraft and a Royal New Zealand Air Force P3 Orion and an RAAF C-130J Hercules aircraft were some of the first assets to be deployed following the sighting.
The four aircrafts were assigned to a search area of 9,000 sq miles (23,000 sq km) – the size of the English Channel - but were called off ten hours later at 9pm (1pm GMT) due to poor lighting and visibility.
Norwegian car carrier, Hoegh St. Petersburg, which arrived late last night, continued searching during the dark.
This Orion aircraft is part of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority-led search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean after two objects are found in the Indian Ocean
This Orion aircraft is part of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority-led search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean after two objects are found in the Indian Ocean
Royal Australian Air Force pilot Flight Lieutenant Russell Adams from 10 Squadron, flying his AP-3C Orion over the Southern Indian Ocean during the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370
Royal Australian Air Force pilot Flight Lieutenant Russell Adams from 10 Squadron, flying his AP-3C Orion over the Southern Indian Ocean during the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370
They are also hindered greatly by their limited fuel source – forced to fly four hours back to Perth after only two hours of searching.
Nine merchant ships that responded to a broadcast to shipping issued by AMSA on Monday night were also involved in the search yesterday.
A merchant ship that responded to a shipping broadcast arrived just after 6pm last night, well equipped to recover any objects located and proven to be from MH370.
Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Success is en route to the area but is still at least a day away from the target area.
HMS Echo is helping to search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
HMS Echo is helping to search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
Navy vessel HMAS Success is currently involved in the pain-staking search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, believed to be in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Perth, Australia
Navy vessel HMAS Success is currently involved in the pain-staking search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, believed to be in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Perth, Australia
All vessels were called off the search last night when the treacherous conditions worsened, but have since returned to the area, halfway between Australia and the Antarctic, this morning.
If they have a strong feeling or indication that the debris belongs to the aircraft, one of the first things authorities will do is drop sonar buoys in the water, officials said.
If the black box is there, the buoys should be able to pick up the signals.
The process could take up to 48 hours but it all depends on how near or far the ships and other assets are.
Black boxes emit emergency signals for about 30 days.
Meanwhile the team which led the exhaustive operation to recover Air France flight 447, after it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009, warned that it might take years to recover MH370's black box - if it can be recovered at all.
RĂ©mi Jouty - head of the Office of Investigation and Analysis, France’s official air crash investigation centre, warned the mystery of what happened on doomed flight MH370 might never be unlocked.
The search zone some 2,500km off Perth is a much larger area than was covered during sweep for the black box from the 2009 Air France flight 447 crash
The search zone some 2,500km off Perth is a much larger area than was covered during sweep for the black box from the 2009 Air France flight 447 crash
Search teams working to recover the debris from the 2009 Air France crash, which plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean.
Search teams working to recover the debris from the 2009 Air France crash, which plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean.
‘The only thing I can say is it will be most difficult and the recovery is not guaranteed,’ Remi Jouty, told the Financial Times.
The French bureau has dispatched a three-strong team of investigators to Malaysia to assist local authorities in retrieving the plane's black box recorder, which records sound along with logging the flight's data.
The search area for MH370 will be substantially larger than that of France Air flight 447, given the debris may have been drifting for days and there’s no way of knowing whether the plane’s black boxes are anywhere near the rest of the wreckage.
A glimpse if the frustration in such a painstaking search was given by New Zealand Air Commodore Mike Yardley, who reported his search officers were 'very deflated' after a Royal New Zealand Air Force team returned from its first run to the remote zone without a sighting.
'They are hugely committed to the cause,' Air Commodore Yardley said, according to the New Zealand Herald. 
'Once you've flown on these P3 Orions for 20 years you take it very personally that you're trying to find this aircraft to help those people who are left behind.
'You feel that it's your responsibility, you're doing it to help people. It's not a job, it goes past a job when you're doing search and rescue.'

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